On June 20-21, 2009 at Loft19 Studios we’ll be hosting a two day studio lighting extravaganza. The dates have been set, the details are in the works, but we have enough put together to give you the heads up.
Loft19 is a huge 7,000 sq ft studio and we plan to fill it with numerous lighting setups for you to use. We’ll have different lighting “stations” preset for fashion, portrait, glamour, and other lighting styles. Each station will have a lighting coach to help you as you shoot. We’ll also have models at each station.
In addition to the lighting stations we’ll be offering a morning workshop for those who are brand new to studio lighting. This is the exact same session you’d get if you attend our Studio Lighting 101 workshop.
But wait, that’s not all! We’re also offering a photo review session after all the shooting is finished. If you’d like a professional to review your photos and give you an honest critique this is the place.
We’ve created a pricing structure to keep the workshop as affordable as possible. You can shoot for two days for just $200. If you want more than just the shooting experience it’s a bit more.
Our tentative schedule looks like this:
Saturday June 20, 2009
8:00-8:30am Registration
8:30-12:00am Morning workshops (Studio lighting 101, others TBA).
12:00-1:00pm Lunch/Registration
1:00-6:00pm Lighting Session 1 (shooting at the “stations”)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
8:00am-12:00pm Lighting Session 2
12:00 – 1:00pm Lunch
1:00 – 5:00pm Photo Review/Critique Session
Admission Prices
As I mentioned, we want to make this as affordable as possible so we’re offering four different packages:
- Bronze – $200
- Access to both lighting sessions
- Silver – $350
- Saturday morning workshop
- Access to both lighting sessions
- Gold – $400
- Access to both lighting sessions
- Photo review/critique session
- Platinum – $500
- Saturday morning workshop
- Access to both lighting sessions
- Photo review/critique session
We’re working out the final details for the morning sessions and the lighting setups we’ll offer. We should have all the details nailed down early next week. We’ll let you know soon!