It’s been a very busy couple of weeks for me. Unfortunately it’s been so busy I’ve neglected the blog for a bit. So what’s been keeping me so busy? Here’s a quick recap.
I taught my Studio Lighting 101 workshop on February 21st to a sell-out crowd. We had a blast shooting and learning all about light. We have another workshop coming up April 11th.
The next weekend I taught my On-Camera Flash workshop. We had another sell-out crowd.
Students practice balancing ambient light with their flash.
Students take a quick break during the on-camera flash workshop.
Yours truly talking about night time photography on Mill Ave. Photo: Fernando Ramos
During the week I was also teaching my 8-week Digital Photography 101 workshop. Yep, lots of teaching this month. Lots of fun.
I’ve also been busy working on a few on-going projects. I’ve been editing new episodes of our Twitter Interactive shoot, the next episode will go live soon.
I’ve also spent a good amount of time working on the Digital Photography 101 DVD series. The pre-production is a lot of work and I’m making solid progress. I want to get them out as soon as possible but I also want to make sure they are outstanding quality. Thanks for your patience.
I’ve also got a brand new Studio Lighting conference in the works. I’ve been working closely with Loft19 studios to create an all new studio lighting training experience for beginning and advanced photographers alike. I’ll be hammering out details this week and posting details as soon as I can.
And, finally, I’ve been working to put everything in place for a bikini promotional shoot. I’ll be shooting images for billboards, banners, and catalogs. Of course we’ll be tweeting the shoot. If you’re on Twitter please follow along. March 14, 9:00-5:00 PST.
Of course you can always keep up to date on all the details of our busy studio by following along on Twitter: