• http://seanarmenta.com Sean Armenta

    what an awesome presentation. i love it. what are you using for the graphics part of the video?

  • http://blog.snapfactory.com SnapFactory

    We used Illustrator, Motion and Final Cut Pro 7.

  • Omari Dickens

    Great blog post, presentation & breakdown of the business Mark!!!

  • Anonymous

    Nice video with some good advice. What would be really useful is a guide on how to determine DCODB when there is no history. Also, a guide of what all things go into DCODB, in writing somewhere. Also, how do you determine your interim rates while in the process of gathering all the data that goes into the formulas? Do you just not work, or work for free?

  • http://blog.snapfactory.com SnapFactory

    This video was originally an article. Check out the written version: http://blog.snapfactory.com/?p=710

  • Pingback: How Much Should You Charge for Your Photography?()

  • Pingback: Your Financial Lifestyle Matters : Snapfactory()

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/David-Anderson/1143527279 David Anderson

    Mark, excellent job! As always, you present what is typically perceived as highly complex in an straightforward, easy to consume format. I continue to be impressed on your willingness to share your (valuable) experiences with the community at large :)

    Keep it up!

  • Martin Reis

    Nice job Mark, I really liked it and it helps nailing a better recipe / strategy when dealing with clients. ONE main nuance about reality… What do you think of this clip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2a8TRSgzZY


  • http://blog.badcreditwhiz.com/ Bad Credit

    Mostly people confused when someone ask their service charges, this video help them.

  • Ilona Berzups

    Excellent presentation Mark. How do you define a ‘commercial’ client to charge license/usage fees versus a client that you don’t use license/usage? For example, in your video isn’t the car dealership a commercial client who would use the photos of their autos for advertising / web? Would you charge LF there?

  • Bryan Ford

    Do you know how much you should charge your clients? This video will help you understand the basics of setting your rates.
